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- Birdwatching Paradise
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Malaysia Northern Region
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Malaysia East Coast Region
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Malaysia Central Region
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- General Guide
All set to explore? Get a head start with this simple, easy-to-navigate brochure. Find quick information on the best sights and scenes in every state.
- Destination Guide
Get a glimpse of Malaysia’s bustling Metropolitan capital and the ever-popular Isle of Legends. Find out where to go for the best experience be it gastronomic or lifestyle, and indulge in the best each destination has to offer.
- Pocket Guides
Malaysia Northern Region
Generally referred to as the ‘rice bowl states’ of Malaysia, enjoy breath-taking seasonal greenery of the sprawling paddy fields, UNESCO heritage sites and the popular island getaways.
Malaysia East Coast Region
Arguably the most culturally rich region in Malaysia, come and enjoy the best of beaches, and the lushest of rainforests. Tantalise your taste buds and get in touch with your creative inner self with a multitude of traditionally-inspired crafts, too!
Malaysia East Malaysia
The land of the wild, and not forgetting, tribal mystique! Immerse yourself in the emerald vast rainforest in Malaysian Borneo for an unforgettable adventure-themed holiday with the backdrop of majestic mountains, wildlife sanctuaries, rare species of flora and diverse cultures.
- Experience Guides
Whatever you fancy, take a peek and have a go! From laidback leisurely hikes to off-road ATV rides, choose one or two, or even three, and enjoy! Choose from the many beaches, highlands and forests, all ready to impress you.
- Events & Festivals
Events & Festivals
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- e-Brochures
Discover comprehensive location insights with ease through our carefully curated and well organized e-Brochure collection! Find everything you need to know and in one convenient place.
Malaysia Northern Region
Malaysia East Coast Region
Malaysia Central Region
- Malaysia Travel Guide
- Calendar of Events & Festivals 2024
- Cool Highlands
- Fun and Fantasy
- Islands and Beaches
- Adventures with Nature
- Birdwatching Paradise
- Kuala Lumpur
- Langkawi
- Map of Malaysia
Malaysia Northern Region
- Perlis
- Kedah
- Penang
- Perak
Malaysia East Coast Region
- Kelantan
- Terengganu
- Pahang
Malaysia Central Region
- Kuala Lumpur
- Selangor
- Putrajaya
- Sabah
- Sarawak
- Labuan
Malaysia Southern Region
- Melaka
- Negeri Sembilan
- Johor
Malaysia East Malaysia
这里是一个充满乐趣的神奇王国,为游客带 来极致体验。共有5个公园,即水上乐园、游 乐园、极限公园、野生动物园和尖叫公园,可 体验80多个游乐设施和景点。
- 双威水上乐园 雪兰莪州八打灵再也双威镇 PJS 11/11路3号
- 603 5639 0000
- ask_lagoon@sunway.com.my
- www.kidzania.com.my
水上乐园包括两片水域,带给你双倍的乐趣。非 洲水域是惊险刺激的终极之地,拥有Vuvuzela和 Waterplexx 5D等景点,而冲浪海滩则是世界上 最大的人造冲浪海滩。
Vuvuzela是双威水上乐园的最新景点,也是世界上最大 的水上游乐设施,占地3360米(是奥运会标准游泳池的 三倍),令人叹为观止。Vuvuzela起点是一座发射塔,约 11层楼(30米)高,然后是一段152米长的旅程,就像在湍 急的河流上踏浪而下,最后坠入世界上最大的水漏斗 中,直径22米,离地4米。
双威水上乐园的冲浪海滩面积超过13000平方米,能够产 生形状完美的波浪,最高可达8英尺,还能根据冲浪者在高 度、时间和波浪模式方面的需求调节海浪,是专业冲浪者 和冲浪爱好者的天堂。此地还有亚洲最大的人造火山,其 喷发的景象和声音与风景相得益彰。冲浪海滩的众多景点 之一是FlowRider,马来西亚首个冲浪模拟器。
极限爱好者无需进一步寻找刺激肾上腺素的活 动,只需来到双威水上乐园的极限公园,就可以 体验所有惊险刺激的娱乐活动。所以,准备好挑 战自己,体验最高、最长、最快的刺激吧。主要景 点包括亚洲最长飞狐步道,长206米;以及 G-Force X,亚洲最高、最快的弹弓骑,从0到120 公里仅需2秒,高65米。
Lynton V.Harris尖叫公园使用最先进的视听技 术,将感官带到新的感知高度,再加上现场演员 的精彩表演,既紧张又刺激,使人身临其境,体会 到极度的“恐惧”。Lynton V.Harris尖叫公园共有 两层,采用好莱坞风格的布景,拥有一支训练有 素的专业表演团队,大胆突破常规,使用了大量 恐怖道具和激光,渲染恐怖氛围。