In the vast rainforests of Borneo, lies a region unlike any other. Here, nature and adventure come alive to sweep visitors away to a mesmerising, intriguing world. A world made up of animal kingdoms, mystical prehistoric caves, lofty mountains and amazing underwater gardens. East Malaysia comprises two states; Sabah and Sarawak, as well as Labuan, a federal territory.
This region is characterised by vast expanses of rainforest, mist-capped mountains and majestic UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as Kinabalu Park and Gunung Mulu National Park. In the untouched wilderness, innumerable varieties of plants flourish together with a wide range of birds and animals. The internationally famed dive site of Sipadan is another one of the region’s world-famous attractions. East Malaysia is home to countless ethnic groups, practising age-old customs and fascinating rituals.
Delight in exploring the wonders of East Malaysia and enjoy the adventures that unfold.
Sabah, ‘The Land Below the Wind’ as it is famously known, is located on the northern part of the Island of Borneo. It is given that name by seafarers to describe locations below the typhoon belt, and free from climatic disturbances.
Melaka and its state capital, Melaka City is widely dubbed as Malaysia’s historical city. This historical city centre has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in July 2008. With a total land area of only 1,664 square kilometres, this city is serviced by the Melaka International…